Thursday, February 26, 2009

Time Troubles

So, I'm starting to run into a little bit of a hurdle...Between seven classes and my commute time for school (1.5 hours each way), I having a bit of trouble remaining consistent with my training. I still go to the gym at least three days a week to weight train and get my 2-3 mile run in, but I'm having a hard time finding the time to add extra mileage to my training.
I'm hoping that once the weather warms up I will be able to run the routes that the TU training program provides. As you can see, it's a four mile route that starts at the baseball field next to Burdick Hall.
Even though I'm having trouble making it to the training programs, I should be able to keep up with their routes while still staying on track for the big race.
I'll keep you posted on how that 's going. If you see me running down Towsontown Blvd. be sure to wave and honk...oh yeah, check and make sure I'm still breathing too! :)

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